IAA21 Book of Abstracts (PDF)
Meeting Program/Schedule (PDF)
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Oral Presentations
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Poster Presentations
Invader showdown: interference competition between Orconectes immunis and Pacifastacus leniusculus
Wendler F and Chucholl C
Alien crayfish are among the most damaging invaders of European inland waters and changes in the crayfish fauna should be monitored prudently. Here, we investigated for the first time direct aggressive interactions and competition for shelter between alien calico crayfish, Orconectes immunis, and signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, which are highly invasive in Central Europe. Specifically, we monitored bouts of interspecific 1:1 combinations in laboratory experiments and offered limited shelters in a similar setting. In size- and sex-matched combinations, O. immunis won significantly more interactions than P. leniusculus; however, O. immunis females were inferior to size-matched P. leniusculus males. Similarly, P. leniusculus males were dominant over 4 mm smaller O. immunis males in chelae size-matched bouts. Both species showed a similar affinity to the provided shelter, but O. immunis was dominant in the shelter competition experiments in both sexes. The dominance of O. immunis males in size-matched combinations may be related to their greater 'resource holding potential' due to larger chelae size than P. leniusculus males. Orconectes immunis females, however, featured similar sized chelae than size-matched P. leniusculus females, and their dominance can best be explained by higher inherent aggression of O. immunis. Based on these results, O. immunis can be expected to outcompete similar sized P. leniusculus. However, since the latter invader grows considerably larger than O. immunis, and gained dominance at a size advantage of 4 mm, outcomes of interactions in the field may be much more complex, presumably also due to contrasting life-history strategies.
Oral Presentations from IAA21
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Poster Presentations
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General Assembly
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Meeting Photo Gallery
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