International Association of Astacology Membership Information

(Annual Membership Period is from 01 January - 31 December)

Back in 2012, the IAA moved to an annual membership cycle. Memberships will include online access to the IAA website content, including Crayfish News (quarterly newsletter) and Freshwater Crayfish (the annual IAA journal). Members will also have the option of receiving the print version of Freshwater Crayfish for a slightly higher membership rate. See the table below for additional information on current rates.

METHODS OF PAYMENT: Credit Card (via PayPal), Cash, U.S. Postal Money Order, or Official Bank Check with Routing Codes Drawn on a USA Bank WHEN PAYING TO USA Permanent Home Office. ALL BANK DRAFTS WILL BE RETURNED BECAUSE THEY CANNOT BE CASHED BY THE IAA.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: For both NEW & RENEWAL memberships, download and fill out the membership form using the link below. When you have completed filling out the form, send it via e-mail to the IAA Secretariat (James Stoeckel, Once received, the Secretariat will send you a PayPal Invoice via your supplied e-mail address. When it arrives in your inbox, just follow the instructions contained therein in order to make your dues payment by credit card. Note: you do not have to set up a personal PayPal account in order to use this payment option.

Membership can be obtained under one of the following categories:

  Membership Type Cost  
Regular Membership - 1 year
(includes Regular & Distinguished Members)
      Online Only
      Online + Print

US $45.00
US $70.00
Reduced Membership - 1 year
(Includes Student, Emeritus, and other approved Reduced** Members)
      Online Only
      Online + Print

US $25.00
US $50.00
Business Membership - 1 year
(Includes Businesses and other Institutions,
 Libraries, & Govt. Agencies)

      Online Only
      Online + Print

US $85.00
US $110.00
Honorary Membership - 1 year
(Includes Honorary & approved Gratis** Members)
      Online Only
      Online + Print

US $0.00
US $25.00
Student 2-Year Membership - 2 years
Student memberships are free for the first year!  Fill out the membership application and submit to the Secretariat.
      Online Only
      Online + Print

US $25.00
US $50.00

**Gratis or Reduced memberships are subject to prior approval by the IAA President, are only for one annual membership cycle, and give access to online content and resources only (i.e., no print journal unless paid for separately).



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