A review of the spread of Procambarus clarkii across Japan and its morphological observations
Published Online: 12/31/2017
The range expansion of the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) across Japan is reviewed and updated. A brief account of the diagnostic characters with a description of the mandible and gills of P. clarkii is provided with detailed illustrations.
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How to Cite
Kawai T. (2017). A review of the spread of Procambarus clarkii across Japan and its morphological observations. Freshwater Crayfish 23(1):41-53. doi: 10.5869/fc.2017.v23-1.41
Author Information
tadashi kawai,* Research Division, Wakkanai Fisheries Research Instiyution, 4-5-15 Suehiro, Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan097-0001. E-mail: tadashikawai8@gmail.com
Corresponding Author indicated by an *.
Publication History
Manuscript Submitted: 10/29/2017
Manuscript Accepted: 12/21/2017
Published Online: 12/31/2017
Published in Print: 12/31/2017
Funding Information
No specific funding statement is available for this article.