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Freshwater Crayfish 5(1): 557-563 (1983)


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The introduction of the signal crayfish into the United Kingdom and its development as a farm crop

Richards KJ  e-mail link

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When we purchased our first 1,000 Signal Crayfish juveniles from Simontorp in 1976 with the simple idea of farming these little creatures we certainly did not know what we were in for -but I think I can tell you now! Quite simply, you start to farm something that, for most of the time doesn't seem to be there. You are thoroughly embarrassed by the disbelief and pathos on the faces of people who turn up almost daily to see your invisible livestock and then, if all goes well, after some two or three years you have the satisfaction and excitement of catching a few splendid specimens that you promptly return to the water. Two or three years pass and then, if all continues to go well, your catch increases and you have something to sell. It all starts as an act of faith and you have to live through what we now call the 'credibility gap', which is the time between stocking juveniles and seeing your first adult crays. Without the constant support and help of our President Elect, fellow members, let me reveal now that we would not have survived these years - and probably that goes for our bank manager as well.

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How to Cite

Richards KJ. (1983). The introduction of the signal crayfish into the United Kingdom and its development as a farm crop. Freshwater Crayfish 5(1):557-563. doi: 10.5869/fc.1983.v5.557



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