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Freshwater Crayfish 25(1): 31-37 (2020)


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Prevalence of the crayfish plague, Aphanomyces astaci Schikora, in alien crayfish species in Japan

Kamimura K and Kawai T  e-mail link

Published Online: 4/15/2020


Crayfish plague is a severe disease of crayfish that is caused by the oomycete Aphanomyces astaci. Two crayfish hosts of this parasite, Procambarus clarkii and Pacifastacus leniusculus, were imported from North America into Japan and were found to be infected with this parasite. Since the endemic Japanese crayfish, Cambaroides japonicus, has a low resistance to the crayfish plague, infection with this parasite will likely lead to crayfish death. Specimens of both invasive crayfish species were collected across Japan and their infection status was examined using a PCR technique. Aphanomyces astaci was detected in all localities and the average infection prevalence was 67%. Additionally, when the signs of melanization were compared with the results from PCR analyses, it suggested that the DNA detection procedure is more reliable than observation of tissue melanization. Moreover, the relationship between prevalence and water temperature in the field was analyzed, indicated that water temperature influenced the prevalence of A. astaci infection.

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How to Cite

Kamimura K and Kawai T. (2020). Prevalence of the crayfish plague, Aphanomyces astaci Schikora, in alien crayfish species in Japan. Freshwater Crayfish 25(1):31-37. doi: 10.5869/fc.2020.v25-1.031



Author Information

Tadashi  Kawai,* Central Fisheries Research Institution, Hokkaido Research Organization, 238 Hamanaka, Yoichi, Hokkaido, Japan046-8555. E-mail:

Kensuke   Kamimura, Department of Natural Environmental Studies , The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan277-8563. E-mail:

Corresponding Author indicated by an *.


Publication History

   Manuscript Submitted: 1/11/2019

   Manuscript Accepted: 1/18/2020

   Published Online: 4/15/2020

   Published in Print: 4/30/2020



Funding Information

No specific funding statement is available for this article.






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