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Freshwater Crayfish 25(1): 77-87 (2020)


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The spatial distribution of Aphanomyces astaci genotypes across Europe: introducing the first data from Ukraine

Ungureanu E, Mojžišová M, Tangerman M, Ion MC, Pârvulescu L and Petrusek A  e-mail link

Published Online: 4/15/2020


Aphanomyces astaci is the causative agent of crayfish plague, a disease responsible for numerous mass mortalities of native crayfish across Europe. In this study, we aim to extend knowledge about the A. astaci distribution in Eastern Europe, with specific focus on the River Dnieper (Ukraine), and summarize presently available information about the distribution of genotypes of this pathogen across the Western Palaearctic. We compiled published records about genotype groups of A. astaci, assembled them to a comprehensive map, and added the newly obtained results from Ukraine. The native narrow-clawed crayfish Pontastacus leptodactylus was sampled from the river Dnieper in Svydivok and Kiev, ca 170 km apart, and screened for the pathogen presence in soft cuticles by quantitative PCR. We confirmed infections by A. astaci at both sites, with prevalence exceeding 30% and low to medium agent levels in infected crayfish. Pathogen genotyping confirmed the presence of the A. astaci haplogroup B, associated with the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus but also known from some chronically infected narrowclawed crayfish from Turkey and Moldova. Our results support the notion that latent A. astaci infections among narrow-clawed crayfish populations may be widespread in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

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How to Cite

Ungureanu E, Mojžišová M, Tangerman M, Ion MC, Pârvulescu L and Petrusek A. (2020). The spatial distribution of Aphanomyces astaci genotypes across Europe: introducing the first data from Ukraine. Freshwater Crayfish 25(1):77-87. doi: 10.5869/fc.2020.v25-1.077



Author Information

Elena  Ungureanu, Department of Biology-Chemistry, West University of Timisoara, n/a, Timisoara, n/a, Romania300115. E-mail:

Michaela  Mojžišová, Department of Ecology, Charles University, Viničná 7, Prague, n/a, Czechia12844. E-mail:

Michiel  Tangerman, Department of Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University and Research, Droevendaalsesteeg 4, Wageningen, n/a, The Netherlands6700HB. E-mail:

Mihaela C. Ion, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy, Splaiul Independentei 296, Bucharest, n/a, Romania060031. E-mail:

Lucian  Pârvulescu, Department of Biology-Chemistry, West University of Timisoara, n/a, Timisoara, n/a, Romania300115. E-mail:

Adam  Petrusek,* Department of Ecology, Charles University, Viničná 7, Prague, n/a, Czechia12844. E-mail:

Corresponding Author indicated by an *.


Publication History

   Manuscript Submitted: 2/6/2020

   Manuscript Accepted: 4/6/2020

   Published Online: 4/15/2020

   Published in Print: 4/30/2020



Funding Information

No specific funding statement is available for this article.






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