The paragnaths of Austropotamobius pallipes
Published Online: 1/21/2020
Immediately in front of the maxillules and behind the mandibles of Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet 1858) are a pair of small spoonlike outgrowths, the paragnaths. They form the posterior and lateral borders of the mouth in the crayfish. Both the paragnaths bear a fringe of setae on their oral edge associated with groups of integumentary pores. On sectioning the paragnaths, the pores are seen to overlay masses of glandular tissue, consisting of lobules and intralobular ducts supported by interlobular tissue. It is possible that the paragnaths play some role as aids to feeding and digestion.
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How to Cite
Thomas WJ. (1986). The paragnaths of Austropotamobius pallipes. Freshwater Crayfish 6(1):42-45. doi: 10.5869/fc.1986.v6.042
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Published Online: 1/21/2020
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