A stunted crayfish Astacus astacus population in central Finland
Published Online: 1/21/2020
Population structure was studied in an Astacus astacus population in a small central Finnish pond. Most adult crayfish were stunted (less than 50 mm cephalothorax length) and averaged about 45 mm in cephalothorax length. Sex ratio was 50:50. Less than half of the mature females were shown to be reproductively active in the fall of 1982. At least 5 year classes of adult crayfish 3 years of age and older were present. Since not all adult females were reproductively active in this stunted population, only females with well developed glair glands should be used for stocking other waters. This would insure maximum likelihood of immediate reproductive success.
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How to Cite
Huner JV and Lindqvist OV. (1986). A stunted crayfish Astacus astacus population in central Finland. Freshwater Crayfish 6(1):156-165. doi: 10.5869/fc.1986.v6.156
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Published Online: 1/21/2020
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