Pilot study on prawn/catfish polyculture with rice/crayfish rotation
Published Online: 1/21/2020
A pilot study was conducted to investigate a 12-month production scheme utilizing channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and Malaysian prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) polyculture with rotation of red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and rice (Oryza sativa). One 0.5 ha pond was planted with rice. Juvenile prawns (0.25 g) were stocked at a rate of 7400/ha. Channel catfish (60 g) were stocked at a rate of 5075/ha. A resident population of crayfish was already present in the pond. Catfish were fed a floating ration 5 days per week. Prawns did not receive supplemental feed. After 122 growing days, average prawn size was 41 g with 92.3% survival; production was 285 kg/ha. After 106 growing days, average catfish size was 275 g with 90% survival; production was 1310 kg/ha. In this particular study, rice was not harvested. The pond was re-flooded to allow emergence of adult and juvenile crayfish from underground burrows. After 63 trapping days, crayfish production averaged 1490 kg/ha with an average crayfish size of 16 g. Annual gross revenue was estimated to be $5706.80/ha, while total costs were estimated to be $4615/ha. This produced a net profit of $1091.55/ha and an annual return rate of 23.5%.
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How to Cite
Cange SW, Pavel D and Avault Jr. JW. (1986). Pilot study on prawn/catfish polyculture with rice/crayfish rotation. Freshwater Crayfish 6(1):274-281. doi: 10.5869/fc.1986.v6.274
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Published Online: 1/21/2020
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