none none FRESHWATER CRAYFISH: Capture rate and crayfish movements among experimental crayfish production ponds
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Freshwater Crayfish 18(1): 7-11 (2011)


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Capture rate and crayfish movements among experimental crayfish production ponds

Ramalho RO and McClain WR  e-mail link

Published Online: 12/31/2011


Crayfish cultured in the Southern USA are harvested solely by baited wire mesh traps at trap densities ranging from 16 to 50 traps ha-1. Few data exist regarding the efficiency with which these traps remove crayfish from the harvestable population. This information is key to accurately implementing several management strategies in crayfish aquaculture. Therefore, this study was undertaken to ascertain capture rate using a mark/recapture technique with mature, non-molting individuals in small experimental crayfish ponds. Only about 50% of the marked population of crayfish was captured over time with baited traps, and only about 40% were captured in the pond of release. Most of the marked crayfish (39.7%), or 0.8% per trap lift, were caught within the first week following release, and captures of marked crayfish rarely occurred after 3 weeks from the release date. Crayfish movement into adjacent ponds (likely by moving over land) occurred, but no marked crayfish were found at a distance of more than two ponds from their release site. In conclusion, the efficiency of baited wire mesh traps at capturing the population of market-size individuals may not be as great as many aculturists assume. Further research is needed in this area.

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How to Cite

Ramalho RO and McClain WR. (2011). Capture rate and crayfish movements among experimental crayfish production ponds. Freshwater Crayfish 18(1):7-11. doi: 10.5869/fc.2011.v18.7



Author Information

Ricardo O. Ramalho, Departamento de Paisagem, Ambiente e Ordenamento, Institute of Marine Research, Universidade de Évora, 7000 – 671,Évora, Portugal, Portugal .. E-mail:

William R. McClain,* Rice Research Station, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, 1373 Caffey Road, Rayne, Louisiana, USA70578. E-mail:

Corresponding Author indicated by an *.


Publication History

   Manuscript Submitted: 12/10/2010

   Manuscript Accepted: 6/29/2011

   Published Online: 12/31/2011

   Published in Print: 12/31/2011



Funding Information

No specific funding statement is available for this article.






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