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Freshwater Crayfish 18(1): 19-26 (2011)


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Status, management and conservation of crayfish in Sweden: Results and the way forward

Bohman P and Edsman L  e-mail link

Published Online: 12/31/2011


In Sweden there are two species of crayfish, the native noble crayfish and the introduced signal crayfish. More than 95% of the noble crayfish populations have been lost due to crayfish plague, acidification, pollution and more recently the accelerated spread of the crayfish plague due to illegal introductions of the signal crayfish. An Action Plan for the conservation of the noble crayfish has been adopted. This paper describes the current status of noble crayfish in Sweden, and also the process to form management areas with distinctly different basic conditions to conserve the noble crayfish. The crayfish situation was monitored with data from the Swedish crayfish database. A questionnaire was also sent to the 21 county administrations’ fishery experts. As a result, three management areas were identified. In the northern area, including the island of Gotland, availability of information is regarded as the most important factor for a successful Action Plan, since the most stable noble crayfish populations are situated here. In the southern area more defensive conservation strategies will focus on remote and isolated populations. In the middle area the situation is more acute, and there is a need to focus on offensive strategies towards protected areas and information.

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How to Cite

Bohman P and Edsman L. (2011). Status, management and conservation of crayfish in Sweden: Results and the way forward. Freshwater Crayfish 18(1):19-26. doi: 10.5869/fc.2011.v18.19



Author Information

Patrik  Bohman,* Departement of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Stangholmsvagen 2,Drottningholm, none, Sweden17893. E-mail:

Lennart  Edsman, Departement of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedish Board of Fisheries,Drottningholm, none, Sweden17893. E-mail:

Corresponding Author indicated by an *.


Publication History

   Manuscript Submitted: 12/10/2010

   Manuscript Accepted: 6/29/2011

   Published Online: 12/31/2011

   Published in Print: 12/31/2011



Funding Information

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